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Estonian Research Excellence Showcase: ERC Grants Across the Years

Estonian Research Excellence Showcase: ERC Grants Across the Years

Principal Investigator of WaterSmartLand - Evelyn Uuemaa - was honoured to attend the opening of the “Estonian Research Excellence Showcase: ERC Grants Across the Years” exhibition in Estonian Embassy in Brussels organised by Estonian Research Council (ETAG).

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XDGGS: A community-developed Xarray package to support planetary DGGS data cube computations

XDGGS: A community-developed Xarray package to support planetary DGGS data cube computations

During the FOSS4G Europe 2024 Conference on 3 July Alexander Kmoch presented his manuscript on XDGGS.

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About the project

About the project

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded Evelyn Uuemaa, Professor of Geoinformatics at the University of Tartu, the Consolidator Grant to develop models based on remote sensing data and machine learning that will enable both farmers and policymakers to plan nature-based solutions in the landscape to mitigate the negative environmental impact of intensive agriculture.

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